The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another:

Any big transition or loss can shake up your world
break your heart open,
turn your life upside down.
It can also change you for the better
and bring you to a new way of living.
It is ripe for tremendous growth,
if you can only find your way.
Some transitions are harder to navigate than others.

I have helped people work through
many different kinds of loss and life transitions.

Here are some examples:

Death, Dying, Grief: parent, spouse, child, close family member, friend, self
Divorce, Separation or Break-up
Child-bearing Losses: miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, fertility
Elderly parents
Empty Nest
Gender Identity
Health: new diagnosis, pain, chronic or terminal illness (you or loved one)
Job: loss or new job change, change in working hours or conditions
Marriage, Partnership or New Relationship: heterosexual or same-sex
Move: moving-in with someone, relocation to new city
Parenting: new parent, empty nest
Pregnancy & New Baby
Pet loss
Religious conflicts
School: starting or ending an academic program
Sexual Identity: coming out to self, coming out to others

Don’t see your situation listed on this page?

Contact me. Let’s talk about your circumstances to see if I can help.