I’m excited to now offer group ketamine guided sessions to people interested in this innovative, safe, legal and effective approach to healing and transformation.

These sessions are a gentle approach with the potential to enhance and accelerate your growth. Used off-label, ketamine can be effective in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, trauma. Its molecules work on the glutimate receptors in your brain and increase neuroplasticity in a way that helps with psychological and spiritual issues.

Many have found that their experience with ketamine guided sessions have led to breakthroughs at a faster rate than traditional therapy or coaching. Although not a magic cure nor a guaranteed “fix”, it can open a much needed door for people struggling to progress with more traditional modalities.

Guided Sessions

Ketamine has been shown to have more profound effects when administered properly, safely and with the experience of a well-versed guide. Rather than undergoing ketamine treatment unprepared and alone, in a clinic or solo-ing, I invite you to enrich your experience and sustain your growth with my support and facilitation.


I work with people who have been prescribed generic sublingual lozenges or troches by our doctor for self-administered, at-home treatment. You will first consult with our medical provider about your health, and, if you’re eligible, will be prescribed the ketamine medicine.

Whether our physician prescribes ketamine is entirely up to them, with no input from me. While ketamine is generally well tolerated and okay to take with many medications, there are some contraindications, of which your doctor will inform you.


My role is to help you prepare for your ketamine session. I’ll be present and guiding you while you are taking the ketamine as prescribed. I’ll provide you supportive integration afterwards.

Guided ketamine work isn’t only about the short period of time the medicine is in your system. That’s just the starting point to new insights, feelings and a sense of empowerment with increased agency. The work you put into moving forward with what you learned on ketamine is as important as your experience during the session. That’s where my skill as a facilitator, guide and therapist can help you.

You’ll take active steps alongside your exploration on ketamine for positive outcomes and change. Since ketamine increases neuroplasticity in your brain for a window of at least two weeks or longer, you can mindfully use that time to learn and practice new habits and ways of being.


I am part of the Meaning Science ketamine program. The model of care I use for ketamine sessions is rooted in our proprietary methodology for guiding people that is different from a strictly medical or psychiatric model. It is based upon Western scientific knowledge and indigenous practices as well as neuroscience, philosophy, spirituality and psychology. I have 10 years extensive training in this methodology as well as ample personal experience with ketamine and guiding others.

This unique methodology, coupled with my 40 years expertise as a psychotherapist, provides a solid and secure foundation from which I work with you.

I bring my wisest and most compassionate self to your journey.

During the ketamine session, I will introduce you to key themes, explore with you what you will encounter, and structure a learning environment to assist you in making the kinds of changes you would like to see happen in your life. Afterwards I will coach you on how to integrate the insights into your daily life.

With proper guidance, ketamine allows your body to enter a uniquely deep state of relaxation. As your body’s physical tension patterns unwind, you’ll encounter firsthand your personal history of how you’ve made meaning, based on your ingrained reaction patterns.

You’ll be able to observe your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and how those have, perhaps unconsciously, shaped your behavior and identity. Often these patterns and identity emanate from a core sense of wounding. As you regain agency to create new patterns, and thus, identity and meaning, you open to a variety of inner resources that have been dormant within you.

The effects of ketamine are a springboard for more powerful experiences, which can not only produce temporary symptom relief, but also help you build and retain lasting tools for change and navigating your life.

While a single ketamine session can open the potential for new ways of thinking and being, successive ketamine sessions will enhance and sustain your growth and healing. There is a cumulative effect with ketamine as sessions build upon each other to deepen the beneficial effects.

You can initially sign up for 1 to 3 monthly sessions to try out ketamine and begin to learn how to work with it. If you want to continue in our Meaning Science ketamine program, you’ll be invited to sign up for 6 or 12 month packages. Quarterly maintenance sessions are available after 1 year.

We’ve found that our program and the skills we teach allow people to effectively make changes that stick. While IV and IM routes of administration of ketamine can temporarily help, the foundation isn’t provided for sustaining change. Thus we encourage people to commit to a package for the best opportunity for making changes in their life.

Who Can Benefit?

Almost anyone, who is eligible, can benefit from using this safe and effective approach. I can accommodate a wide array of motivations and backgrounds. Clients vary in their previous exposure to internal work, from those who have been in therapy for decades to those who are taking their first step. Most are interested in ketamine as a fast-acting way to alleviate mental and emotional suffering. Regardless of your intention or background, guided ketamine sessions are a potent, fast-acting way to create meaningful improvements.

I’ve seen a host of positive effects in people, including:

  • alleviation from anxiety and depression

  • increased clarity and focus

  • a deeper sense of well-being

  • less stress, greater ease and relaxation

  • more presence in daily life

  • more agency in changing psychological and behavioral patterns

  • improved sleep

  • stronger understanding of how they create meaning

One of the reasons why ketamine is so effective is that the feeling of well-being commonly reported is not just psychological, but grounded in biological change. Ketamine repairs dendritic deterioration in neurons caused by stress and aging, and allows for new synaptic growth, especially in the prefrontal cortex.

After a session you will most likely experience a period lasting days to possibly weeks in which your brain is in a state of heightened neuro-plasticity. I can help you take advantage of this window to cement new mental and emotional habits.

Curious About Finding Out if Ketamine is for you?

Email me for more information and free consultation.

Please be aware that nothing on this website is intended as medical advice. I am not a medical office nor a medical party in any respect. I don’t prescribe medications or give direction on any matters of physical health. All medical conversations will take place between you and a doctor, without my involvement. Rather I advise on the emotional and spiritual sides of undergoing ketamine treatment. I help people maximize the experience to produce lasting change in a safe responsible way.